An analytical paper about how to apply the concept of Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus in Yemen found that it can be done by tracking the actions made to support the humanitarian and social processes, bolster development and peace building efforts.
The paper, which was produced by the Internationally Recognized Government (IFG) and UNICEF suggested that applying the HDP methodology in the Yemeni context, including opportunities and requirements, needed to bring the country back to the path of recovery and achieve sustainable development
The HDP triple nexus approach is not easy, especially in Yemen, given the plethora of difficulties and obstacles facing its implementation in real life, which requires serious efforts to find the most relevant formula to interconnect and integrate all three dimensions in a clear manner where opportunities in promising and supportive sectors are explored, and resources directed towards balancing out needs across the triple nexus, in addition to investments required to promote security and stability.
The analytical paper recommendations included the following:
1. Establishing productivity and sustainability-oriented system where the private sector can have room to truly contribute to project implementation such as airports, seaports, and highways.
2. Activate the role of local institutions and authorities throughout all stages of the reconstruction and reform.
3. Rebuild state institutions and promote the rule of law by improving public administration, financial management, including the security and judicial apparatus.
4. Pay attention to environmental and natural resource management upon developing the socioeconomic development vision for Yemen, including environment conservation policies and proper exploitation of natural resources.