
Analysis: Could war in Yemen re-erupt this Ramadan amid a Houthi military build-up?

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before 22 hour and 54 min

Amid an economic crisis and unsteady truce, there are fears that Yemen's war could reignite, as a sign of this unease can be seen in Marib, where a major mobilization of Houthi rebels' forces and clashes have taken place in recent weeks, leaving the truce at its most delicate point in three years, according to an analysis published by The NEW ARAB website.

Paul McLoughlin, a senior news editor with The New Arab noticed that as an unsteady truce endures in Gaza, further south in Yemen another peace hangs by a thread as barely concealed animosities and an economic crisis reach boiling point.

McLoughlin also noticed that the Houthis have been in an almost constant state-of-war since their takeover of Sanaa in September 2014, and even when a truce with the government began in 2022 their commandos were busy targeting shipping in the Red Sea and Israel itself with rockets, something the rebels say was an act of solidarity with the people of Gaza.

Paul McLoughlin quoted Mohamed Alsahimi, the head of the Southern Transitional Council (STC}’s UK Office, saying "The Houthis are not fighting for the cause of Yemen, they are fighting for the divine right to rule the country… so there will be a real war that will destroy everything and likely spill into the region; there will be no winners in this conflict."

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جميع الحقوق محفوظة © قناة اليمن اليوم الفضائية